Friday, December 14, 2007

Self Diagnosis - Social Phobia Anxiety Disorder!

My job, as a caseworker, is to analyse, assess and help out the people I have contact with at work and on the streets.

Recently, I have been studying various disorders to help myself discern how I can better understand and, thus, help and assist the individual. I have come to a better understanding of various mental illnesses, personality disorders and anxiety disorders. It is truly fascinating how different and unique the human race is! These "disorders" contribute to an amazing array of personalities, emotions and addictions, which results in an extremely colourful human race.

Well, during this study, I decided to take myself as a case.

During my study of anxiety disorders, I discovered (which Beth knew I had years before) I have a disorder called Social Phobia Anxiety Disorder. It is an exact match!

The irony is that my work consists of being a case-manager and outreach worker. The irony is I live in an intentional community. There are many ironies: the amount of time I'm on the phone, in meetings and meeting new people and even run a home group!

Yet - everything I read about this disorder makes sense! Whereas everyone (including myself)interpreted my quietness as being shy, it was and is the effect of having social anxiety. A phobia which has, does and will cripple me in many ways in social settings, yet, I pray that knowledge of this irrational disorder will, in fact, empower me (through Christ) to overcome and conquer this!
For, it is through weakness, that Christ's power is displayed through us!

What is Social anxiety disorder?
I would sum it up this way!
It is an irrational fear in social settings. My frequent blushing, sweating and heart palpitations are a common trait. There is a hint of paranoia in it, as you fear people are constantly judging, analysing and watching you, thus, making you nervous in trying to achieve your task. Even though, all rational thoughts will tell you otherwise, it is the irrational thoughts that prevent you from acting/ moving!

There were many fears that tormented me when I was younger and sent me into a deep depression: a vicious side affect of the disorder. Home groups were agonizing as I did not want to be seen and speak, as I didn't want to embarrass myself with a squeaky voice or say something foolish. Prayer times sent me into a downward spiral, as I feared praying out loud: With my heart beating a thousand miles an hour, sweating and occasionally blushing, I was in a no win situation, I never prayed for the above reasons, but judged myself for not praying and, actually, lost sleep over it - thinking everyone was judging me for not praying. How's that for irrational thinking! The examples are numerous; I refused to speak on the phone, I hated stores and despised meeting new people. I never answered a question at school (even though I knew the answer) and the realities of youth group, church and school enhanced the fears.

Wow - writing all that, makes me realize how crazy I am! How irrational! It also makes me realize how far God has brought me! But, I still have a long way to, as many of these irrational fears rear their ugly heads.

I pray that I will continue to fight to overcome and conquer this disorder - for, in Christ, we can and must be more than conquerors!


Anonymous said...


Part of a melancholy personality...which I believe you have... is overanalysation...and this ties in totally with social anxiety.

I struggle with this too...albeit less dramatically than is all about taking the focus off oneself and onto the Lord eh?

Enjoying your ramblings and looking froward to getting together with you all

Wozza said...

Hey brother,
loved reading your reflections -crazy how clearly we can review ourselves sometimes - looking over times when we were tortured trying to figure it all out!!
Love your honesty & vulnerability - admire your work & really respect all that you are doing!! & in the midst of it you are growing a beautiful family!!! Loved being with you guys - hope there will be another time :)
Bless you all - you are right, in your weaknesses God is giving you access to many in need
Bless ya mate